66 responses

  1. Shubhra Rawlins
    August 19, 2024

    Very recently on Eid in July 2024, my long time Muslim friend uninvited me from Eid lunch.
    She was offended by an Instagram post that I shared which was about animal slaughter. The post didn’t point to one religion but was about animals that are slaughtered by Hindus and Muslims both as a sacrifice in the name of God.
    She felt offended and of course called me a fundamentalist Hindu and an Islamophobe and what not.
    It broke my heart. The post was never about a religion. It was about animals ! She missed the whole idea and was ballistic and of course our friendship of 12 years came to an end.
    It made me wonder why sometimes some people become so obsessed with the idea of animal sacrifice and why for some it is bigger than humanity . Why discussion and questioning old beliefs is not allowed
    Religions have to evolve with time and have to be taken contextually!


    • Sammer
      August 26, 2024


      “Why discussion and questioning old beliefs is not allowed. Religions have to evolve with time and have to be taken contextually!” <----THIS. You make a very valid observation here and it's a shame your friend couldn't see beyond the religious dogma plaguing many faith communities. The point here is to evolve and be better global citizens and not just stick to what was told to us without thinking for ourselves if this indeed is better for the world. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Ann
    July 17, 2024

    I had friends who never eat meat and I made fun of them, my mojo was, this animal died, I wear the fun because I am worth of it.. and I laughed and had no empathy, then I had a cat who was extremely intelligent cat, he could really communicate and show us when he wanted water or food, that changed my over all view toward animals, they have conscious, feel pain, I started thinking animals are maybe like us? one day I saw a video where mother cow was running after her baby who was taken away in a open van.. she ran and ran.. I cried and said never never again I will eat an animal, a mother, a child, regardless what, human or animal A mother is a mother.. I never touch burger or cow meat after that.. then I saw a video of a chicken and a boy, and chicken expressed emotions toward the boy and hugged him.. that shocked me.. chickens are capable of human love emotions? I gave up chickens.. I was still eating sea food.. I went to Rain Forest and ordered a seafood platter while sitting next to a giant aquarium and saw two fished kissing one another…I cancelled my order and decided no seafood, no fish ever to use as food..
    Every animal feels pain, I wish I could go back in time and changed myself since the day of birth, now to me eating animals is cannibalism.. I am happy and at peace.. If God wants to burn me in hell then ok… yes my family thinks I am a sinner for not killing and not eating animals.. I beg the different.. I love God but God lives in his creation, thank you.. I do get condemned from some members of my family for not eating the animals and being against killing any animal.. so it is sad ..but I am not practicing cannibalism.. sorry


    • Graham Phelps
      August 20, 2024

      I understand the way you feel. I feel great compassion for animals, particularly pigs. I would become a vegan except that I don’t think it’s healthy or natural. I think we need to eat some meat for the vitamin content that we cannot obtain from plant food. I can honestly say that if manna were to fall from heaven as it did for the Israelites, and it met all my nutritional needs, I would willingly eat it without complaint for the remainder of my life. I would do this to spare the animals from suffering the pain of death. But, it’s not going to happen, is it? Also, I have a dog that I love dearly. If I banned the consumption of animals from my house, what would he eat? He wouldn’t survive for very long on plant food. He’s a carnivore. I think that we live in a violent and cruel world but whether we like it or not, we’re part of it and we want to survive too.


  3. Just to comment
    June 22, 2024

    Do we need (out of necessity) domesticated animals for food, shelter, warfare, clothing, or transport? NO.

    Ummm….. Are you living in a fairy tales perhaps? If yes then your answer “no” is understandable. Otherwise I can only say that you haven’t been outside the comfort you have been granted because people really do need animals for food.

    Pain will be there while sacrificing the animal, the goal is to minimise it . Which has already been told in the method given by prophet pbuh. Allah grants mercy to those animals which are sacrificed in his name so just how can you say we don’t need them for food even though it is made clear in Qur’an that we are open to consume them???


    • Sammer
      July 20, 2024

      The point is Western society as a whole does not need to eat animals for food. It makes little sense to breed billions of animals for food – then feed them most of the crops we grow – when we can just eat the crops.


  4. Sherin
    July 2, 2023

    Brother your article is eye opening. Been thinking about this a lot now
    Whenever I read those verses related to sacrificing animals it makes my heart hardened. Why would God consider killing animals as something holy and pious
    But the thing is God asks people to sacrifice animals to test them whether they obey Allah or not!!!
    In Baqarah surah it is said that when God asked moses to tell people to slaughter a cow
    But to kill animals in order to test people whether they obey him or not looks so odd to me
    I mean why would god have the need to ask them to sacrifice an animal to feel like his command is being taken seriously?!!!
    Why that has to be allowed. Instead God could have asked Abraham, people of Moses to do something else right?

    I’m really struggling to cope with this. Since you have the same thoughts as me,i think you can understand how I feel as a believer
    Can you tell me how did you deal with these verses??
    Please I am really in pain
    Can you provide more sources to read and learn about this
    Thank you


  5. Raquel
    March 12, 2023

    This is an superbly written and well-supported article. Congratulations! I am not a Muslim (in fact, I am not a religious person, I tell people that my religion is that of my conscience) but I do see the same lame arguments being used by Christians (“God wants us to eat meat.”) and it pains me to hear them use God to justify harming animals.
    It is also great to know there are many vegans in the Muslim world. Islam has been so demonised ever since September 11th that finding out about compassionate Muslim communities is refreshing. I wish everybody read your article and didn’t pay so much attention to the news (because good news are seldom shared). Well done for such an informative and kind piece of writing.


    • Sammer
      March 13, 2023

      God bless you Raquel and thank you for your support!


    • Sue
      April 5, 2024

      Raquel, I am a vegan Christian. I can tell you that any Christian who says that God wants us to eat meat is either lying or taking verses out of context. From the very beginning, God made it clear that we were to live as herbivores (Genesis 1:28 and 29). I attend Creation Care Church live on FB and it’s so wonderful to be with others who see it, too. I’ve been vegan 12 years now and was vegetarian for 15 years before that. Jesus prayed “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”… the animals, having never sinned, will be living a wonderful life in heaven, so that is God’s perfect will for here, too. It’s a very sick world we live in but we can do our little bit to change it. I hear there is a good documentary movie out, Christspiracy. I’d love to see it but don’t live near where it’s being shown. Anyway, it’s great to see Muslims also starting to see the animals are being totally mistreated. We should not be eating them nor abusing them in any way. Bless you on your spiritual journey.


  6. Uttam
    February 23, 2023

    I’m not a muslim, but i came across this so beautifully written article on your site in search of answer to a question, which got popped up in my mind all of a sudden.It was really convincing going through this article.
    I have one more question to ask, why doesn’t God protect a poor deer running away as fast as he/she could to secure his/her future life, or a helpless tree from being cut off for its wood?

    I believe that the presence of God is within everything, and that’s why God doesn’t mind if one kills a deer or cut off a tree intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly.
    “Equilibrium is God and impurity is the creation”
    Do you agree?
    (By the way, i am a vegan too.)
    Waiting for an earliest reply possible!


    • Sammer
      February 24, 2023

      Hello and thank you for your support, glad you enjoyed the article.

      As outlined in the article, God equipped the deer (and all prey animals) with everything they need to escape. Acute hearing, sight, smell, speed, and endurance, etc. They usually get away but other times, their hunters prevail. However, He has also enabled deer to reproduce and outnumber their predators significantly, ensuring the propagation of the species. Predation ensures healthy herds and ideal numbers which protects the lands from overgrazing; which would in turn would kill many more species. It’s by precise design, not accident.

      Many trees don’t die when you cut them down, they are miracles of regeneration and will eventually bounce back. They can also burn in fires and regenerate very quickly. Keep in mind; nothing in excess will create equilibrium.


  7. Citizen of Nature
    August 10, 2022

    hi sammer,
    i have send you an email

    check it and revert back please


    • Sammer
      August 11, 2022

      Will do, thank you.


  8. Hamida
    August 3, 2022

    Plz someone tell me is it mandatory during hajj to slaughter an animal??
    I’m confused if it is how could a merciful God tell us to do so??
    I’m totally confused 😔


    • Sammer
      August 3, 2022

      In short, we have a plethora of examples of the Prophet’s closest companions who literally say they didn’t slaughter every year because they didn’t want others to believe it was mandatory. Secondly, this practice must be contextualized. We have explored this in depth throughout the site.


  9. Shaheed
    April 18, 2022

    Assalamu aleikum sammar! I am from sri lanka and as a muslim living in a buddhist country, i always had a hard time explaining certain Islamic theories to my fellow Buddhist friends. This is one of the best articles that i’ve come across regarding this controversial subject and a big “Thanks” for the logical explanation and the videos.


    • Sammer
      April 21, 2022

      Walaykum Assalam Shaheed, super happy you found this helpful! Thank you for your support.


      • Hamida
        August 3, 2022

        This sounds so refreshing to me i hv been struggling with this so hard. But i have a confusion in quran it is said that we hv to slaughter an animal during hajj. And most of the scholars says it is mandatory ti do so but for me it’s seem like I can’t accept with that.
        How many innocent animal are killed during hajj i can’t think of a merciful God telling us to do so
        Is it really mandatory during hajj??
        And finally in the Quran it is said that it’s not the blood or the meat which reaches the God but your piety but how pious is that ??
        How can be pious to God by killing an animal?? I’m totally lost😢and it is really affecting my faith in God


      • Sammer
        August 3, 2022

        Have you checked out the other articles on the site addressing killing animals during Eid/Haj? They are very detailed and hopefully provide you an adequate answer. Thank you.


      • Sherin
        July 2, 2023

        No can u provide me the source?
        And in your article it is said that usage of animals began before Islam about 10,000 years ago but what about the verse in Surah baqarah in which Moses asked people to sacrifice a cow for Allah
        We don’t know when prophethood of Moses took place from when to when
        So it could be religion or not we don’t know


      • Sammer
        July 3, 2023

        Provide you the source for what exactly?


  10. Alexandra Thomas
    April 3, 2021

    Very interesting article I really hope it will reduce animal suffering and killing. And promote at long last the plant based diet.


    • Sammer
      April 6, 2021

      Thank you.


  11. Ali
    February 26, 2021

    Why is my comment not showing up?


    • Sammer
      February 26, 2021

      It’s there 🙂


      • Ali
        February 27, 2021

        Kindly reply to my earlier comment on hominins.


  12. Ali
    February 25, 2021

    Alhamdulillah! What a wonderfully, meticulously, diligently, written document it is! With a few exceptions, every line touched my spiritual self and I was indeed looking for someone writing something like this to ease the burning issues I had in mind like many others in regard to animal suffering. It is you, Sammer.

    Thank you. However, there is one thing I need to point out which I believe is dangerous. It is so profound that it feels like identity crisis!

    Allow me to explain. You quoted another article with the link “very beginning” where the author had written about 5/6 types of hominins taking distinct routes of evolution in different parts of the world. The author drops a bombshell by saying that evidence indicates that when homo sapiens dominated and spread around the world, they bred with those hominins before hominins went extinct. As a result of that, a certain population from a certain part of the world are known to carry genes from hominin X, and another population from another locale carry genes from hominin Y, and so on.

    I think this is dangerous because those hominins species naturally had differences in qualities in terms of various criteria. So, that gives extreme groups like white supremists, aryan race, etc the excuse to back up their ideology that they are better than others.


  13. Sydanuar Sydmansor
    January 26, 2021

    What a refreshing piece of writing.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on the sacrifices done during Eidul Adha in terms of methods and necessity.

    My gratitude in advance.


  14. Luthfi H
    November 28, 2020

    Alhamdulillah, I’m glad I found this article. Thank you so much for the thought.


    • Sammer
      November 29, 2020

      You’re very welcome Luthfi; hope it can help folks understand and reconcile any conflicting beliefs.


  15. Louis
    November 28, 2020

    Hello sammer, I am not Muslim, but I am fascinated by the religion and have many close Muslim friends.
    Would just like to give my deepest thanks to you for writing these incredible articles, they are important pieces of work.


    • Sammer
      November 29, 2020

      Hi Louis, you’re most welcome irrespective of your faith 🙂

      I am glad you found them helpful. Thank you for your support!


  16. Iwan Effendi
    November 22, 2020

    wow. I am glad to find this site


    • Sammer
      November 22, 2020

      Thank you, hope you find it helpful.


  17. Kamal S. Prasad
    November 17, 2020

    Thank you, Sammer, for this article and website! It is a great resource.


    • Sammer
      November 18, 2020

      You’re welcome Kamal.


  18. Cathleen H
    August 11, 2020

    Assalamu alaikum, Sammer, here I am again, commenting from a different article. I am SO GLAD to have found this website as a resource!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a vegan animal rights jihadi, who is a volunteer paleontological explainer at the American Museum of Natural History (I recognized that video right away), I have struggled to reconcile my fervent belief that killing animals for food is wrong when survival does not depend on it with clear passages in the Holy Qu’ran decreeing that eating the flesh of certain animals is lawful to believers. This really helps me to do so. I value it greatly.


    • Sammer
      August 14, 2020

      Walaykum Assalam Cathleen. Glad you’ve found this article and website a useful resource! Thank you for your tireless efforts.


  19. Randa
    August 2, 2020

    I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to put these well thought out articles together. As a vegan muslim, it can be difficult to find a foot to stand on sometimes. I too believe that there is no need to consume animals in any capacity in our day and age. Then again, the vegan philosophy does not acknowledge the act of animal consumption as something that is natural for the human species. Being caught between the two webs can be quite confusing and thought provoking.

    I am also from Melbourne Australia and would be interested to connect with you to discuss more thoughts and ideas.


    • Sammer
      August 2, 2020

      Thank you Randa for your feedback and support and glad this site has been helpful for you. Please feel free to share the articles if you need to. If you’d like to join our Vegan Muslim Facebook group, we have over 5,000 members from all over the world including Melbourne:


      If you’d like a direct email, our contact info: contact@veganmuslims.com


  20. Pranathi Naidu
    August 1, 2020

    Sammer, I m immensely grateful for this elaborate article of your’s. It’s essential that this reaches everyone. People need to be educated. In ignorance a lot of crime is being committed on the innocent voiceless lives. This has to stop. I wish u reach out to as many as possible. Keep going ahead with bringing greater insights. Regards !


    • Sammer
      August 1, 2020

      Thanks Pranathi, your support is appreciated.


  21. Ishita
    July 25, 2020

    This is so well written and makes me so informed and happy. I wish this reaches more meat eaters and muslims who blindly follow the traditions without researching.


    • Sammer
      July 26, 2020

      Glad you found it helpful Ishita.


  22. Hannah
    July 18, 2020

    Dear Sammer, is there a way to contact you directly?


  23. Sayed
    July 3, 2020

    Dear Sammer, please if you can get in contact, our correspondent would like to do a TV report around the subject.

    Thank you.


  24. shantha
    May 30, 2020

    thank you very much


    • Sammer
      May 31, 2020

      You’re welcome.


  25. ScribbleCat
    May 15, 2020

    May ALLAH bless you !
    Thank you for this profound article. I hope our Malaysia gov leaders can see this.


    • Sammer
      May 16, 2020

      Ameen. Thank you! 🙂


  26. Muhammad
    May 7, 2020

    You’re a muslim and you’re quoting the theory of evolution which was created by a freemason satanist jew Darwin?


    • Sammer
      May 9, 2020

      The theory of evolution was actually coined by Muslim scholars hundreds of years before Darwin.:)


      • aishah
        April 30, 2024

        can you please name those Muslim scholars?


      • Sammer
        May 1, 2024

        Which scholars would you like me to name?


    • aishah
      April 30, 2024

      exactly i was so shocked to see this muslim website provided and believed in Evolution, only an atheist would believe this theory with no guidance from Kalam Allah. May Allah guide us to the right path.


      • Sammer
        May 1, 2024

        So you believe that one day, there were no giraffes and suddenly the next day, there were? How do you believe different life forms came to populate the planet in the diversity they have?


  27. Manisha Tikariha
    April 1, 2020

    Great initiative. I truly admire it. I am a vegan too , although I am not Mushlim, and religion doesn’t matter to me. I wish lot of people read your blog and understand the thing. Hats off to you.


    • Sammer
      April 1, 2020

      Thank you Manisha for your support, we are all one human family.


  28. Zehra Abbas
    March 20, 2020

    A very well-thought-out, compelling and persuasive piece. Thank you for writing + sharing!


    • Sammer
      March 20, 2020

      Much appreciated!


  29. Addie P.
    March 7, 2020

    Dear Vegan Muslim Institute,

    I am a student in the United States working on a project in which I am asking Muslim vegans to share about their experiences with Islamophobia in the online vegan community. The answers can be *anonymous* and will contribute to a greater understanding of what non-Muslim vegans can do to support Muslim vegans in the community.

    If you would please consider sharing this survey with your followers on your platform (on this website or elsewhere), I would greatly appreciate it! This is a wonderful opportunity to make the online vegan community a safer and more inclusive space for Muslims. Thank you.

    The survey link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKw2a_hNyGuL8Zlsuu_L98nrfORcuc95FHGhI-DJ29lEyZlQ/viewform?usp=sf_link


    Addie P., Graduate Student, United States


    • Sammer
      March 8, 2020

      No worries.

      Will post it on our Facebook community.


      • Addie P.
        March 10, 2020

        Thank you so much!


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