Where The Heck Are You Sheikh?

question mark on tree
April 15, 2017

Imams, sheikhs, scholars and community leaders have largely ignored the issues of animal and environmental rights and contributed nothing to making our planet better. Why is it after over 30 years of listening to Friday sermons, seminars, workshops, lectures, YouTube videos, Facebook feeds, etc. there isn’t a single – as in NOT ONE dedicated effort from our leadership to reaching out and protecting and saving animals? Our environment? And I’m…


The Halal Meat Saga

cow in field
March 28, 2017

The entire “halal meat” slogan is predicated on a profit driven industry just like any other industry that doesn’t give a damn about the welfare of the animals they mass exterminate or the people who get sick and die from eating them. There is hardly a conversation that I have with a fellow Muslim about being vegan except the inevitable “But it’s halal!” argument being directed at me with the…


Why Vegan?

curious sheep
March 3, 2017

The first thing many Muslims emotionally tell me when they learn I do not eat animal products is “You’re making what is halal, haram!”. There are a number of problems with this statement. The assumption one must eat animals for their Islam to be valid I’ve never claimed nor will I claim such a thing. The assumption is today’s animal products are halal and tayyib (or pure and wholesome), which they…