4 responses

  1. very recent convert
    June 9, 2019

    Breatharian ways show we can live without eating flesh whether from fruit or animal.
    Energy cultivation, decreasing energy-drain present in the lives of us, spiritual practice and unlocking the past can be a nourishing factor.

    The nourishment received from above and other spiritual endeavours indeed such as prayer can be blocked by consuming food – or hampered. while doing so carefully makes sense; going through lows that can seem counterintuitive can even be the right thing – where to a perceiver within a frame of reality this can seem haram however such lacking situational difference. Thus – while its an external wording to Islam – breatharianism is kind of the opposite of halal even as such can be done wrongfully partially in unlocking prayer and ability to read and adhere the quran.

    Vegan living is a step in that direction; unlocking compassion, empathic interconnection (strengthening connection to all Islam even if disillusionment occurs and separation from some places can and will occur (not necessarily against Islam even if inconvenient and Islam attampted used as an excuse to hold on to a person as such distance from the immediate muslim community yet nearing the greater muslim family)). The microbiological stress from harmfully or untransformed microbial life one connects with and connects Islam to by eating such as factory farmed animals even where attempted respect for the lives of the animals are done by purekilling that lack an understanding of the concept – this stress and strain; a burden to navigate: Costly on navigational and other neural structuring meaning braincapacity occupied resulting in a decrease of intelligence, comprehendability, spiritual capacity, ability to move about in the microbiological environmental layer to sorrounds etc. Not that the correlation here is direct between “vegan living and braincapacity” however its a very direct guideline/statistical coherence without me needing to see statistical proof in knowing above which is plentily supported by other statistical proof in one way or another. Naturally would be shot down in rationalization that definitely is not Islam yet as always uses absolutely anything available as a means of “proving”/making acceptable/etc. something that is haram.


    • Sammer
      June 10, 2019

      Do you have a single verifiable example of a bretharian?


  2. Rashi
    April 19, 2018

    “To add injury to insult, many cows are injected with hormones and antibiotics which end up in the milk and ultimately in our bodies too, with negative effects on our health. In conclusion then, the milk of today is nothing like the milk our Prophet (SAW) drank.”–Really Truly said.
    Nice Attempt to put all facts at one place. Veganism is about compassion and equalism. I fully agree with the thought that whatever quality it was at that time and it is stupid if we expect the same in today’s world. And even if we can replace our one-day meal with plant based diet this will really help innocent lives who are banished for no reason and separated from their mothers. I am not vegan but I think twice before I eat any non-vegan diet. I believe in survival and compassion. Once a person develop empathy with animals he would never think of harming them be it of any religion.


    • Sammer
      April 19, 2018

      Well said Rashi.


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